KIA Writing Marathon
The KIA Marathon is a writing marathon named after and held in honor of Kia Cochran, a RWA member and author of contemporary romance. Just prior to her death, she'd turned her hand to attempting mystery romances. She passed away in August of 2000, but she left a memory of her caring and a reminder that the most important thing a writer can do is tell a story that will touch the readers' hearts.
The KIA writing marathon has been an inspiration to me as well. It was exactly what I needed to get my juices flowing again. I thrive on deadlines and miss them since the AW Idol competition is over. The KIA marathon began October 2 and runs the entire month of October.
I'm on the Part Time Nookie Ninja team. (Nevermind the name! It's romance. :))
I’m happy to report my first week’s work.
October 2 -- 10 pages
October 3 -- 7 pages on Ancestral Promise
October 4 -- (28 pages) 10 pages on Unearthed, 10 pages edited on Roadkill, 4 page column, 4 page article
October 6 -- 2 pages
October 7 -- 15 pages
October 8 -- 3 pages
Total to date: 60
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