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Blogs of Writer, Artist, Photographer, & Caregiver Joanne D. Kiggins

Location: United States

Joanne has published more than 2,500 articles and was award recipient of the 1990 Woman of the Year for Beaver County, Pennsylvania, for her accomplishments and excellence in journalism and to the community. Her co-authored book, “Unforgettable Journey,” won fifth place in the Grand Beginnings romance contest. An excerpt from her WIP, “Unearthed,” placed her fifth in the Absolute Write Idol contest. Most recently, her essay, “Perseverance,” is published in the Stories of Strength anthology in which 100% of the profits are donated to disaster relief charities. Her most recent articles were published in ByLine Magazine, Writer's Digest, AbsoluteWrite.com, and Moondance.org. She has a monthly freelance writing column at Absolutewrite.com. Currently, she is the sole caregiver for her 85-year-old mother.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

KIA Writing Marathon

Another reason I haven’t blogged recently: I joined the KIA marathon at the RWAonline site. It’s a writing marathon in honor of a RWA member who passed away. She was an inspiration to all.

The KIA Marathon is a writing marathon named after and held in honor of Kia Cochran, a RWA member and author of contemporary romance. Just prior to her death, she'd turned her hand to attempting mystery romances. She passed away in August of 2000, but she left a memory of her caring and a reminder that the most important thing a writer can do is tell a story that will touch the readers' hearts.

The KIA writing marathon has been an inspiration to me as well. It was exactly what I needed to get my juices flowing again. I thrive on deadlines and miss them since the AW Idol competition is over. The KIA marathon began October 2 and runs the entire month of October.

I'm on the Part Time Nookie Ninja team. (Nevermind the name! It's romance. :))

I’m happy to report my first week’s work.
October 2 -- 10 pages
October 3 -- 7 pages on Ancestral Promise
October 4 -- (28 pages) 10 pages on Unearthed, 10 pages edited on Roadkill, 4 page column, 4 page article
October 6 -- 2 pages
October 7 -- 15 pages
October 8 -- 3 pages
Total to date: 60

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