Following My Heart - Tagged by Paint - Photo Meme

I’ve been tagged by Paint to use this photo as a prompt for a 2-paragraph statement/story or 2-stanza poem. She was tagged by Unique who found the picture while reading blogs. I’ve chosen to write both.
My first thought when I saw this picture was two tornadoes crossed paths. Instead of giving rise to destruction, it lifted and formed wings of love. Love comes from the heart, and there’s nothing truer than the heart. That is the optimist coming out in me.
What comes from mother earth can be devastating at times. Life has its tribulations, but the outcome is all in how one chooses to perceive what is in his or her path. I choose the truth because it speaks for itself.
Following My Heart
Whether a natural disaster,
an everyday occurrence,
or something,
or someone,
tries to throw me
out of
follow my heart.
For my heart
has never
Make me smile. Leave a comment...

Comment Icon From Paper Napkin
I like the poem very much! It is so beautiful and true. Thank you for sharing it and being a part of this tag!
To find the beauty beyond the chaos - that's you, Joanne.
When life passes out lemons, some complain, some make lemonade; Joanne makes lemon meringue pie! :)
Thank you, Paint for tagging me. I enjoyed this. Glad you liked the poem.
Thank you, Unique. You are a true friend! I'm so glad we had the opportunity to meet. You know what happens with pies, don't you? They end up in my face...then I get to enjoy the sweetness all over again. ROFL
Nice poem. Love and chaos are really the same thing, no?
The picture is awesome. Maybe I'll tag myself with it... :)
I failed to tag anyone with this one. Consider yourself tagged, emerald. I'd love to see what you write about this picture.