AW Monday Meme # 7--Computers and You.
Dawno posted this little quiz about computers for this week’s meme.
Today's little quiz is about computers and you.
1. Do you remember the first computer you ever used? If so, tell us what you remember and why you were using it.
2. Do you remember the first computer you ever bought for yourself? What was it - if you know details like how much memory it had or anything funny about it, share!
3. What kind of computer are you using right now? Any particular story about you and your computer experience you can share?
4. Is there one thing about having a computer that is particularly important in your personal history? Something you wouldn't have done or known unless you had a computer? Some big change having one made in your life? - for example, I met my SO 15 years ago because I bought a Commodore128 that had a floppy disk in it for an online service called Q-Link. We would never have met if I'd bought a different computer.
Joanne's answers:
1. The first computer I ever used was in 1977 at the office of The Maple Heights Press. I don’t remember what kind of computer it was, but it had a really wild word processing program called X-Writer. I think I still have a copy of it.
2. The first computer I ever bought for myself was an Apple IIe. I bought it brand new in 1983. It had 64K of memory. The big 5 ½” floppy disks were used. The monitor had no color. I can’t remember what word processing program was on it. I’d typed my first novel manuscript on an ancient typewriter and sat for hours typing it into this computer. My second PC was a much better computer; an IBM with printer and all. I used both to publish my newspaper from 1986 (yeah the Apple lived that long) through 1992. Then I moved up in the world and bought a Hewlett Packard with color monitor, laser printer, cd/cdrw and the HP All In One. (I still have the HP. Kept it because I didn’t want to have to retype everything again. And because I’m a pack rat. :))
3. My current computers are my desk top Dell Dimension with built in cd and cd/rw and floppy drive. I have my HP All in One connected to it along with the Page Pro Laser printer.
4. See answer # 2. Both working as a reporter and becoming editor of both weekly newspapers in Ohio were two particularly important things about my personal life and computers. Buying my own computers and publishing a hometown newspaper for 10 years is another. Writing has not only always been part of my life, it’s been part of my survival. Owning a computer has made it much easier to survive.
The tag is AWMondayMemes, jdkiggins
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