AW Monday Meme #8 The Meme
(or Borders, or whatever book site you want to use)
1. Write down the names of 3 good friends (best friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, whatever) from High School or College - not current friends who (around here anyway) might be published authors. Oh, you don't write these down on your blog - jot them on a note pad or just keep them in your head.
2. Go to Amazon (or yadda yadda see above) and type their names (one first/last name set at a time) into the search bar. Maybe only the first name or last name 'hits' that's ok. Have you read any of the books that pop up? List it. (for example, my best friend senior year was Lynne Bxxx I typed it in and Lynne Truss, author of Eats, Shoots, and Leaves was the second book - I own it, that's the one I'd list first)
3. If none of the books are familiar - is there one you'd like to read? List it. (the second name I typed came up with a lot of exact matches - none I'd read, I'd pick one and post it)
4. Do that for the other two names.
5. Here's the voluntary part - if you use the tag, then people can go to Technorati and search on the tag to see that you've done the meme. If you own a book on someone's "I'd like to read" list, why not PM them (if you're willing to) and offer to lend them the book!
This was fun, Dawno. Thanks!
I wrote down three names, went to Amazon, typed in each name separately, and was totally shocked that all three names brought up three and only three book pop ups. This was really strange, all three names brought up the SAME three books. So I guess I'm really suppose to read at least one of them. LOL
The three books were: Ten Percent of Nothing by James Fisher, 2006 Writer’s Market and Freelance Writer by Moira Anderson Allen.
I own the 2006 Writer’s Market.
So between the other two books, I wouldn’t mind reading Freelance Writer.
The tag is AWMondayMemes, jdkiggins
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I have Ten Percent of Nothing, if you'd like to read it, let me know.
Thanks, Dawno. I'd like that. Did you find it interesting and informative?
Yep! I'll try to get it in the post soon :-)
You're a sweetheart, Dawno. Where's your book wish list? Though, I doubt I'd have anything on my shelf that would interest anyone. LOL