So Much To Do In So Little Time

Click here to order your copy today.
The Stories of Strength anthology will be ready for purchase today through Lulu. The official press release has been posted and bookmarks and posters are available and I’m out of ink. ARGGG!!!
I have to run to Office Depot and get color ink and additional card stock, get online in the morning and purchase my copy of Stories of Strength and order extras for gifts. Still need to write my local press releases, and then make copies of posters and bookmarks to distribute to local libraries. But before I do all that, I must send a few blurbs from my review of The Pacific Between, to my wonderful friend Raymond Wong, so he can finish his press release for his book, which will be released by Behler Publications in January 2006.
Of course I need to type the review into my computer first. It’s handwritten at the moment. Love you, Ray. You're a great friend. Honest, I’ll get this to you before noon.
After all of the above, I must get my butt in my chair, either in front of my desktop or with laptop in lap, and start writing. I joined the NaNoWriMo this year in order to transform lots of handwritten notes for Unearthed into novel form. I have the book idea, character names and plenty of motivation. One thought, back in March, turned into 700 words for the initial entry of the Absolute Write Idol contest. Since then, I’ve jotted down 19 pages of notes for the book Unearthed. Now it’s time to write it!

HA! Let’s see what this month’s progress reports will bring.
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Comment Icon From Paper Napkin
That's quite a list Joanne.
Um, don't forget "read Frank's column."
Just opened my e-mail, found your column waiting for me, and read it, Frank. Okay, you hooked me and made me cry, all in the same reading. What a beautiful tribute to Jenna and the Stories of Strength anthology. I'll look forward to receiving your newsletter on a regular basis.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. ;)