Mom, Daughter, Dog and Tree

What is a post about putting up the Christmas tree without showing a picture of the very thing that put a smile on Mom’s face?

This is my daughter, Angel, sitting on the couch behind Mom. Woo Hoo! She’s finally beginning to “show”. She’s due to have her first baby on May 25. :)
Of course, Mom's little buddy couldn’t resist jumping up on her lap to be part of the festivities.
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joanne- Looks like three genuine smiles to me. (even mom's little buddy) :)
I think you're right, Jeff. Mom always says her little buddy is smiling at her. :)
As I read your post about the tree and your mom I was thinking how lovely it would be to see a picture! Thank you for sharing.
I'll probably have plenty more after Christmas. Lots of surprises in store for Mom this year. :)