Seven Things...or more
Seven Things to Do Before I Die:
1. Live to see all my grandchildren.
2. Attend my grandchildren’s graduations.
3. Attend my grandchildren’s weddings.
4. Pay off my mortgage.
5. Take a trip to Australia to see the Outback.
6. See every lighthouse on the east coast.
7. Quit being more hard on myself than others are.
Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Forget. I can forgive, but I can’t forget.
2. Be disloyal to those who truly love me.
3. Stand by and do nothing when I see a wrong being done.
4. Sit idle.
5. Learn that I am not super woman and cannot do everything myself.
6. Abandon my heart. I cannot quit caring.
7. Expect to be able to please everyone, even though I try.
Seven Things I Say (or write!) Most Often:
1. You’re kidding, right? (say)
2. Oh my gosh! (say)
3. For crying out loud! (say)
4. Expletives (any and all)
5. that (write)
6. of course (write)
7. use of the word “need” (say and write) it’s always taken in the wrong context.
Seven Books (or series) I Love:
1. The Dark Tower Series by Stephen King
2. Thinner
3. Pet Semetary
4. It
5. Misery
6. Delores Claiborne
7. Dreamcatcher
8. Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
9. Complete Works of Shakespeare
10. On Writing
11. Horse Whisperer
12. The General’s Daughter
This is a list that could go on forever. Maybe I should have just said, ALL of Stephen King’s books. :)
Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Patch Adams
2. Pure Country
3. Dances With Wolves
4. It
5. Pet Semetary 1 and 2
6. Thelma and Louise
7. What Women Want
8. Signs
9. Phenomenon
10. Michael
Sorry, I went overboard. LOL I have watched countless movies over and over again. This list could go on forever,too.
Thanks for the meme, Mark. I enjoyed this one.
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Joanne, Glad you liked the meme. I love Stephen King. He was my first author; before King, I read books, after King, I read authors.
After reading your sevens, I can't help but wonder if you have a pig named Misery...
King's my favorite. No pig named Misery...but we did have one named Elsie. ;)