AW Monday Meme
Yikes! Yesterday was Monday! I was off work for a 3-day weekend and I think it just seemed like I forgot to do my Meme! What got my attention was that I wandered over to Halspacejock's site and he had a meme, so I 'nicked' it with a little editing.
Last Live Music Show Seen: Let’s see, I really have to rack my brain for this. It’s been a long time. I went a Temptations concert. Or, how about Three Dog Night.
Last CD Purchased: Melodies of the Heart – The best of pan flute.
Last Thing Cooked: Beef vegetable soup.
Last New Thing Eaten: Hot Pockets. I’m not real wild about them.
Last Thing Bought: A gallon of milk.
Last Gift Received: A box of copy paper and crazy looking head massager called The Sqwiggler. My daughters know me well. I print out a lot of interesting articles and The Sqwiggler is supposed to be great for relieving headaches. (By the way, it works great!)
Last Piece of Clothing Bought or Received as a Gift: A Steelers Football cap.
Last Embarrassing Experience: Having a book loaned to me; taking forever to read it; ending up loving the book and wanting to buy it; offering to purchase it from the loaner or replace it with a book she wants of equal value; still wanting to replace it but she’s too kind hearted to allow me to do that. :)
Last Totally New Experience: Meeting four people from AW, all of which I consider very good friends.
Last Foreign Country Visited, if any: Never been out of the US.
Last Big Achievement: Completing my sixth novel.
For this meme I'll tag Esther, Andrea, and Pam. Anyone who wants to jump in, consider yourself tagged.
AWMondayMemes, jdkiggins
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Comment Icon From Paper Napkin
You need to get out of the country, Joanne. Canada, Mexico, the Bahamas... easy peasy, and a chance to feel first hand what it's like to be a goofy foreign tourist with a camera around your neck.
Well, Mark, I know what it's like to be goofy person with a camera around my neck, but I can't make it out of my front yard. ROFL Never been outside the US.
I'd even take a walk by the river right now. That would be like being in the Bahamas to me. ;)