The Rule of Four
Four jobs you've had in your life (only four?)
1) Kirby vaccuum sweeper salesperson (don’t say a word!)
2) accountant
3) college professor
4) caregiver (seems I’ve done this for years and years. Proudly and patiently)
Four movies you could watch over and over:
1) Patch Adams
2) Oh heck, just look down to the meme below. I listed more than the seven required.
3) see post below
4) see post below
Four Places you've lived:
1) Sewickley, Pennsylvania
2) Ambridge, Pennsylvania
3) Midland, Pennsylvania
4) Garfield Heights, Ohio
Four TV shows you love to watch:
1) CSI – All of them
2) Forensic Files
3) Cold Case
4) Grizzley Adams (way back when)
Four Places you've been on vacation:
1) Niagra Falls, Canada
2) Fort Lauderdale, Florida
3) Lake Wales, Florida
4) Cherokee, North Carolina
Four websites you visit daily:
1) Absolute Write
2) I, the author
4) Stones in the Field
(When I’m online.)
Four of your favorite foods:
1) lobster
2) crab legs
3) steak- any kind-medium rare
4) chocolate ice cream and potato chips (so I cheated listing two in one)
I only listed these because I was told I wasn’t allowed to list coffee, java, joe, and lattes.
Four places you'd rather be:
1) basking in the sun
2) walking on the beach
3) hiking in the mountains
4) anywhere on vacation
AWMondayMemes, jdkiggins
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Nice list, Joanne. :)
Thanks, Jeff. Making lists has always been one of my favorite things to do. :)