AW Monday Meme #9 -- The Blogiversary Meme
Here’s the meme. Below it, I’ll tell you more.
Go to your archives and find your first post.
What was the date of that post?
Tell us (or excerpt from it) what it was about.
If you remember why you decided to start a blog and want to share that, please post that as well.
You might want to collect some blogiversary dates and wish folks Happy Blogiversary when it comes around. Folks who use the technorati tag make it easier for us to find them
February 6, 2005 was my first blog post.
OMG, Dawno! Thank you! I hadn’t realized I’ve been blogging for a year until you posted this meme. Wow, and what a year!
I decided to start a blog to get my writing juices flowing again, talk about writing, my progress, and whatever really great things might be happening with my writing career. I had planned using my blog to post my daily writing prompts and the results of those prompts. Well, I did all that, just not in my first post.
My very first post was a reprint of my essay “Perseverance."
I wanted those who came to my blog to get a taste of my writing style and, at the same time, get to know me. My second post was another piece of my writing. I began my third post with a writing prompt. Then, I got into discussing what was going on with my writing at that time. After I read my first week of posts, I chuckled. It wasn’t so funny a year ago. :D Everything seemed to be falling apart. My writing partner and I weren’t seeing eye-to-eye when we were editing our manuscript. Just when we worked things out and I made time to get back into writing, my life and living arrangements changed.
A lot has happened and changed since that first post. I entered the Absolute Write Idol contest. I was a finalist and ended placing fifth. Writing each week in the contest kept me motivated. My writing partner and I have a much better understanding of each other, but unfortunately she’s still waiting for me to get my life back so we can get on with our book.
A few things have not changed since that post last year: Writing is still my life, and I continue to persevere.
Happy Blogiversary everyone.
AWMondayMemes, jdkiggins
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Comment Icon From Paper Napkin
Happy Blogiversary Joanne!
I came late to blogging. (Why did I just hear a chorus of sarcastic comments from the women in my life?)
Anyway. It'll be several months before I celebrate mine.
Let's hope we're still around to celebrate out Silver Blogiversaries. :)
I'll join you with a cup of tea for that toast! My hair will reach silver status before my blog, though. :D
Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for sharing, it's wonderful to see where you've been and what you've accomplished - you are an inspiration. ((hugs))
Thanks, Dawno. I look forward to the Monday memes. You always pick such great subjects.