AW Monday Meme #14 -- The Web Addict Meme
1. How long after you get up in the morning before you open a browser window?
Within seconds of my first sip of coffee.
2. What's your homepage set to?
Absolute Write, where else?
3. How many sites do you have bookmarked?
Oh my. I quit counting after 30. The scroll seemed to go on forever and I lost my place.
4. Do you get links emailed to you from friends saying "You just have to check this one out" If so, what kinds of sites do they think you're interested in? Are they right?
Most of my friends e-mail me links to writing sites, upcoming horror or supernatural books, and Native American news stories. Yes, they’re dead on!
5. What do you think you read more: sites, blogs or forum posts.
Wow, that’s a tough one. Off the top of my head, I’d have to say forum posts. Sites and blogs run a close second, but I’d have to say sites, because I’m always googling things for other people who can’t seem to remember they’re capable of typing key words into a search box. :)
6. If you're new to blogging what's the most challenging thing for you about it. If you've been blogging for a while what one piece of advice would you give to new bloggers?
The most challenging for me is adding new things to my template without screwing up my whole blog. And for those of you who have been blogging for a while, please HELP!!! LOL
7. Live Journal, Blogger or other - and if other, is it another blogging service or do you have your own?
8. Other than AWer's blogs, what do you think is your most frequently visited site?
Absolute Write is #1. Oh, other than AW and AW blogs, I have to pick just one? Can’t. Daily, when I’ve scoured the threads of AW and blogs, I scurry on to the Plain Dealer, Blogcritics, The Compulsive Reader, my local library access, The Times, and …geez, no wonder I don’t get any writing done.
9. Do you use a site meter? Which one? Any particular reason why?
Yes, I use site meter. I think Dawno suggested it. If not, it may have been Jill. I listen to both of them faithfully.
10. Do people you know in RL "get" blogging? If not, what's their reaction when (if?) they find out you have a blog?
I don’t know anyone in real life. LOL Seriously, one person I know who did find my blog never gets anything about me, so she wasn’t very polite when she found it. A few local friends e-mail me and let me know they love my blog, but they won’t sign up or comment. Those of you whom I’ve met seem to get my blog and me quite well. Even those who haven’t met me personally, I think, enjoy my blog or you wouldn’t keep coming back. :)
I guess this is my opportunity to once again say a big “THANK YOU” to all of you who do read my blog and comment. AW is a great place. I couldn’t have picked a better family. ;) And to those who have strayed in from other blogs or sites, “welcome to my home.” The coffee’s on, the cups are clean, and I’m always ready for a relaxing and enjoyable conversation.
AWMondayMemes, Dawno, AbsoluteWrite, jdkiggins
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