The Rash Is Gone
We're seeing more robins and the woodpeckers are starting their drumming on the trees. The daffodils are poking out of the ground at Mom's house. It's starting to look like spring here. My place sits in the woods and doesn't get much sun, so there's still four inches of snow on the ground and it still looks like winter up there.
Angel, Tim, and Katie visited on Sunday. Other than that, it’s been quiet around here and I don’t have much to say.
Just wanted to let everyone know we’re doing okay here.
Labels: Angel, gone, jdkiggins, Katie, rash, robins, Snow, spring, Tim, winter
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Comment Icon From Paper Napkin
I'm glad the itching is gone, that must have been maddening for both of you!
We finally have some melting, but no other signs of spring yet.
i'm glad that the rash and itching is gone. i keep looking for robins but no luck yet. and definitely no daffodils. we need a major meltdown first!
thanks for posting. even if not much new is happening, i worry about my blogger friends if i don't hear from them at regular intervals. guess that's the mom in me. LOL
it's good to hear from you.
sometimes i think caretakers are the luckiest people in the world.
No daffodils here yet, but I am hearing more robins so I know spring is just a short time away. I don't know if this winter has been harsher than usual or if I am just loosing patience faster. Now I understand the snowbirds who head south for the winter!
I'm thrilled to hear your mom's rash is gone. Maybe it was the medication after all.
The rash is gone! I know that you are happy about that. It has been nice and sunny here. In the 70's with a few showers. But the puppies are happy that they can get out and run around in the yard. The daffodils are blooming everywhere around here. Spring has sprung! I bet that your house sitting in the woods is just beautiful!! I hope that everything is going well for you and I miss reading your blog. Take care and have a wonderful week..
I too am happy to hear that the itchy-scratching is gone!!
My yard is filled with daffodils in bloom! Dad planted them before he passed and we were gifted with the blooms the following February and each year since. Kinda nice. I'll have to post some photos on my blog.
I'm with Nancy, if I don't see a post after a while I start to worry too!
Glad to hear that all is well with you, Joanne!
The rash is gone, the rash is gone!!!!! Happy dance time. I'll bet you are glad that is over.
Spring is in the air. OK, in CA we don't really have spring but I know for those of you in the snow it must be a welcome sight. Glad you checked in.
I'm glad the rash is gone! That should make life a little easier for you and your mom.
Yay! no more rash! I remember my mother getting a strange rash. We never figured out what it was either but it was ghastly and so miserable for her.
I keep looking for robins but all we have are those cute little chubby chickadees. They are so cute though and I get a kick out of watching them.
Glad you are doing ok. Thanks for checking in!
Been wondering about you so glad you posted.
Peace and grace.
Just checking in, Joanne. How's the journaling coming along?
Hi Joanne, just checking in. Hope you and Mom are OK.
just checking in with you to let you know i'm thinking of you!
Over a week since you posted. You know I worry.
missed you at chat tonight AND it's been over a week since we've heard from you. i hope and pray everything is ok.
Hi Joanne, stopped by to check in with you and to wish you a Happy Easter. ((Hugs))